Renovation Still in Progress
I have been wanting to give another update on where we are with our building renovation, but it seemed time just kept getting away from me. The weather has not been helping our progress, so we are not as far along as we had hoped. Patience is hard! But, it is also said that patience is a virtue, and the Bible also talks about being patient more than once. So, patient we will try to be, and at the right time, we know it will all come together! As a result of our building not quite being ready, my team and I have started working at the table in my tiny kitchen. This has allowed us to check some projects off our list and be ready when the clinic doors finally do open. We have also been taking phone calls and have been scheduling a few farm calls and small animal house visits. Ultimately, we are so excited to see the clinic take shape and look forward to taking appointments at the clinic! Below I have shared a few pictures of the latest progress.
~Dr. Shawn
Here is start of the new bricks being laid. The new bricks, front window and door will be an awesome new face-lift for the building when it is finished!
Seeing the sheet rock in place has been one of my favorite steps of the whole project so far. It gives the clinic shape and dimension!